About Red Chilli
Red Chilli is a fruit which belongs to Capsicum genus. It has many varieties which are differentiated on its pungency measured on Scoville Scale.
Helps In Digestion. Maintains Blood Pressure Levels.
Helps in Weight Loss.
Improves Cognitive Function.
Nutritive value
Calories: 6.
Water: 88%
Protein: 0.3 grams.
Improves Heart Health.
Helps in Nasal Congestion.
Builds Immunity And Fights Diseases.
Storage and Uses
Should be provided to stack the packed bags to prevent moisture ingress from the floor. Care should be taken to stack the bags at 50 –60 cm away from the wall. Storing chillies for longer period may lead to deterioration.
Shelf Life
Product may be stored for 8-10 months.
Storage Tips
Put them in a airtight container or ziplocked bag for freezing. Never store your chilli in big containers as they may catch mold easily, better store them in small containers and take them out as needed.
Storage Temperature
The optimum storage conditions for fresh chilies are 45 to 50°F (7-10°C) and 90 to 95% relative humidity.
A shipment description, or parcel information, is asked in those rare cases that a courier company is trying to locate your parcel because it became unreadable due to a fallen off label or an unreadable label. We will go through the process and tell you what parcel information you have to give.
The shipment or order details, on the contrary, is a summary of all the information regarding a parcel that a shipper wants to send to a receiver. It contains information about the pick-up and delivery address and contact person. It is of great importance to us and the courier that we are fully aware of the content of the parcel (it’s weight, dimensions, specific content, …) because it helps us to asses which service would be the safest and cheapest for you. Having a thorough parcel content description will avoid problems during transport, for example when a courier has to pick up a parcel that is much heavier and bigger than mentioned.